Flying Years…

Don’t the years just fly by? Over 5 years ago I left Bristol, this blog became dormant, I have plans to resurrect now and then, still skating when I can.

Recently lost my mum, strange that I feel relief and freedom compared to grief in the past, maybe that’s what happens when you watch someone slowly fade away as they are destroyed inside by cancer.

I now make a lot of stuff out of wood having gone back to construction and working with wood suits me so much I ask myself a lot why didn’t I stick with it when younger, but then we wouldn’t have Kranblog would we if I hadn’t taken some time to try different careers.

I also paint warhammer stuff, I’ve got an Instagram for that @kranpaintsminis where you can see my stuff, I tried playing some games but most people who play them want to play the big ones and it’s the smaller games that I’d be interested in.

Anyway, here’s a pic of some old Games Workshop inquisitor models I once owned…

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